Sunday, February 18, 2007

How many drinks is too many? | The Daily Telegraph

I've been in a couple discussions over the past few days about federal drinking guidelines and what constitutes risky drinking. It just happens that Australia is reviewing their drinking guidelines. Of special concern are pregnant women and young women. Their drinking guidelines for healthy people between 18 and 64 are as follows:
For men: No more than 4 Standard Drinks a day on average and no more than 6 Standard Drinks on any one day. One or two alcohol-free days per week.

For women: No more than 2 Standard Drinks a day on average and no more than 4 Standard Drinks on any one day. One or two alcohol-free days per week.

*These drinks should be spread over several hours. For example, men should have no more than 2 standard drinks in the first hour and 1 per hour after that. Women should have no more than 1 standard drink per hour.

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