Thursday, March 19, 2009

Call for stories

From The Second Road:
April is Alcohol Awareness month. The Second Road will showcase a recovery story everyday during the month of April. They want to applaud those living in recovery while helping to bring awareness to addiction and to also make people aware of the strong community of support that exists.

TSR wants to salute the people who are battling alcoholism; as a child, a parent, a spouse, sibling, or as an addict. Be it 22 years or 2 days, they want to hear from the people making the decision to start a new path?to take the second road. TSR hopes this showcase will inspire not only those who are living in desperation, wrestling with the will to get sober, but also encourage those already working a program.

Community, support and inspiration are necessary on the road to recovery. If we can heighten the awareness of this disease, hopefully we can lower the amount of people living in pain.
Please, make YOUR voice heard. Submit your story to

TSR will feature more than one story a day, granted they receive enough submissions. If anyone would like to videotape their story, TSR will also showcase it on their YouTube page, with the other recovery speakers, at

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