Thursday, September 27, 2007

Governor unveils program to help combat meth addiction

Utah has a new public education campaign that avoid hype and treats drug users has human beings in need of, and deserving of, our help. Let's hope that this approach catches on.
A statewide methamphetamine public-awareness campaign — one without scare tactics and stereotypes — was unveiled today by Gov. Jon Huntsman Jr.

The campaign's newspaper ads and a series of television and radio commercials urge family members and friends to recognize the signs and help addicts, rather than judging people who use meth.


Contrary to awareness campaigns in other states — particularly Montana's time-lapse video of people emaciated by drug use — the Utah campaign focuses on debunking stereotypes of so-called drug users and urges loved ones to realize that a meth addict is "not a lost cause."

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