Monday, April 30, 2007

Critics Say Washington AA Chapter Is Cultlike

A troubling story about an AA group that's gone off the rails. Over the years I've seen groups like this pop up from time to time. Fortunately, they tend to be self-limiting. They usually grow for a short time and then fizzle out as people either leave or relapse. It's troubling that this group seems to have gotten very large and lasted for some time.


Anonymous said...

Surrounding meetings should invade the group conscious- business meeting and vote changes that will adhere more to the 12 traditions. Maybe. Or just avoid the place.

Anonymous said...

"Surrounding meetings should invade the group conscious- business meeting". Is this your idea of the spirit of AA?

This group is thriving. My member has never been this well or sober. The last two paragraphs of the article speak volumes to the good that this group does.