Sunday, August 06, 2006

College Students Play it Safe: New Study Shows Protective Behaviors Reduce Risk of Injury

This study celebrates the fact that a majority of college students employ "protective behaviors"
The NCHA contains a list of 10 potentially protective behaviors, including alternating non-alcohol with alcohol beverages; determining, in advance, not to exceed a set number of drinks; choosing not to drink alcohol; using a designated driver; eating before and during drinking; having a friend keep track of consumption; keeping track of one's own consumption; pacing drinks to one or fewer per hour; avoiding drinking games; and drinking non-alcohol look-alikes.
If someone showed me evidence, I'd be willing to beleive that concerns about binge drinking on campuses may have been hyped in recent years. But show me some numbers that alcohol related harms have been stable or decreased. The use of these protective factors as an indication of the state of campus drinking is pretty underwhelming.

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