Sunday, August 03, 2008

Heavy drinking and the risk of assualt

A new study suggests a staggering increase in the risk of experiencing sexual aggression by young women when they drink heavily:
According to researchers at the University at Buffalo's Research Institute on Addictions (RIA), the odds of 18-19 year old college women experiencing sexual aggression are 19 times greater when they binge drink than when they don't drink. Binge drinking or heavy drinking was defined as drinking four or more drinks on a drinking occasion.


...The odds of experiencing sexual aggression were 19 times greater on heavy drinking days compared to non-drinking days. ...The odds of experiencing physical aggression were 12 times greater on heavy drinking days compared to non-drinking days.
One big caveat about the researchers methods. 76% of the women who are described as experiencing sexual aggression denied experiencing sexual aggression. Their responses to questions indicated that they met the researcher's definition of sexual aggression, but when asked, "have you experienced sexual aggression?", most of them said "no."

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