Thursday, February 21, 2008

Physician group position on medical marijuana

The American College of Physicians recently released a position paper on medical use of marijuana. It appears to be a pretty sober approach to the issue and there's something to disappoint everyone. (nonsmoked) More states appear to be moving in the direction of legalizing medical marijuana (but the feds don't seem to be any where near considering it) and this could help address the many of the problems that have come up in California.
Position 1: ACP supports programs and funding for rigorous scientific evaluation of the potential therapeutic benefits of medical marijuana and the publication of such findings.
Position 1a: ACP supports increased research for conditions where the efficacy of marijuana has been established to determine optimal dosage and route of delivery.
Position 1b: Medical marijuana research should not only focus on determining drug efficacy and safety but also on determining efficacy in comparison with other available treatments.
Position 2: ACP encourages the use of nonsmoked forms of THC that have proven therapeutic value.
Position 3: ACP supports the current process for obtaining federal research-grade cannabis.
Position 4: ACP urges review of marijuana’s status as a schedule I controlled substance and its reclassification into a more appropriate schedule, given the scientific evidence regarding marijuana’s safety and efficacy in some clinical conditions.
Position 5: ACP strongly supports exemption from federal criminal prosecution; civil liability; or professional sanctioning, such as loss of licensure or credentialing, for physicians who prescribe or dispense medical marijuana in accordance with state law. Similarly, ACP strongly urges protection from criminal or civil penalties for patients who use medical marijuana as permitted under state laws.


Anonymous said...

This is great, except for the emphasis on "Non-Smoked" Cannabis. People with liver diseases must smoke it for when you smoke marijuana it is not metabolized by the liver as it is when you eat it or take Marinol, Sativex, etc.

Jason Schwartz said...

Sounds like a good project for a drug company.