Thursday, November 30, 2006

U.S. Myths About Methamphetamine

A good summary of myths about methamphetamine. To my knowledge, this post does a good job presenting the facts. However, it should be remembered that there are smaller regions around the country, often rural, that have been hit very hard by meth. They've had serious increases in crime and burdened their child protective service systems. While the problem is serious and real in these communities, when considered statistically on a national scale, the problem is relatively small. This doesn't mean that it shouldn't be addressed in a serious manner, but it does suggest that there has been a lot of hype.


Anonymous said...

Actually, the piece you referenced was poorly referenced and set up strawman arguments (myths)to support their own political/societal agenda. Also, the blog is based in the United Kingdom.

As a practicing dentist in California I see the effects of Meth every week.

There is a problem folks.

Don't worry about Myths and let's concentrate on prevention and recovery.


Jason Schwartz said...

Unfortunately, too many sources of information related to addiction and substance abuse have agendas. They may have an agenda, but they appear to have their facts right. These myths are widely held. I talk to students, helping professionals and community groups regularly and hear questions based on these myths all the time. Things like: meth is the most addictive drug known to man, once and you're hooked; meth addiction can't be treated effectively; that it's rampant in our area (they're less than 1% of local detox admissions); etc.
I just had this experience on Monday and I'll have it again next Friday when I talk to a group of teachers. Meth is not used at the rates most people think ( and it is still a small portion of treatment admissions(
Meth is a real problem-big in some areas, much smaller in others. The hype around it damages credibility and sets the stage for bad policy and priority setting.

Anonymous said...

The article is by "George Marcelle
Communications Director, ORC Macro-Social & Health Services, Ltd., Los Angeles; past Chair, Substance Abuse Librarians & Information Specialists (SALIS)" and he doesn't say anything against prevention and recovery as far as I can see. He includes 15 references ... to reputable sources.

It might be easier to move to treatment and prevention of meth and other drugs if there was information instead of scaremongering going on - isn't that the point of the article?

Sue, CT.

Anonymous said...

George Marcelle has been working in drug prevention for many years. His primary agenda--if I understood his motives--has always been to provide factual information to the people who work in the fields of substance abuse prevention and treatment.

His Meth Myths piece was an attempt to provide necessary facts to an international group of Substance Abuse information center librarians who are plagued by questions from individuals confused by sensationalized media reports of Meth.

Frequently cited claims of the addictive factors of Meth ("one time and you're hooked!") are misleading and untrue. Persons in the media often interview people that have no concrete knowledge beyond the hearsay they perpetuate by their own ignorance and lack of facts.

The drug dujour media attention that Meth receives distracts from the more severe public health problems caused by substance use and abuse. Alcohol kills more people in the US than all other drugs combined...except tobacco. Dip (smokeless tobacco) causes more severe dental problems to the population than meth ever does plaque. This includes rural American counties.

NSDUH data, OAS stats, or CDC and NIAAA research can verify this. I encourage you to look it up or call your local librarian to help you!

-D, Colorado